====== 2010 ======
===== Nucleus 2010-12-13 =====
* Lab2Lab Brussels: make program
* Calendar coming 2 weeks
* Stagiaire February: program
* Diverse rapports:
* Nantes
* Active Archives Argos #2
* New employée
* Werkplaatsen meets Bruno De Lille
* Onderwijsontwikkeling with St. Lucas Architectuur, Vormgeving and Genk Media Design: http://osp.titanpad.com/24
* Public Domain Day w Severine (February)
* Open Web session @ Seda Jan 15-21 2011 http://www.transmediale.de
===== Nucleus 2010-11-29 =====
**Meeting is planned 15h00**
* Calendar for office ? Who is where and when during next two weeks ?
* Housing - set-up project ~ House of benefit?
* Radio Constant 13-1 : who? what?
* Q to AN: names participants citymined?
* Q to N: what happens after mail to redmine?
* Planning Februari: AA ?
===== Nucleus 2010-11-15 =====
* Newsletter December
* Wendy + Femke Paris 2-3 December (Evan Roth)?
* Reports: Tel Aviv, MakeArt, European summit
* Maison/huis replacement?
* Vacature
* Lasagna-event met simon
* film Simon
* atelier A&S
* vj13 dig db
* Lab2lab / LabsurLab
===== Nucleus 2010-10-25 =====
* Review formulaire de remboursement
* 20 november citymined is ok ? ja (An)
* interview Aymeric etc. ?
* newsletter November
* budget VJ13
* Radio Panik - Radio Constant: proposal to extend broadcasts to Constant & insert Schaarbeekse Taal from time to time / decide on rhythm & length of sessions
===== Nucleus 2010-09-20 =====
* Plan Actieplan 2011 VG/C
* Review/organise workschedule of 5 members (days/task) for next month
* Check: send logo to Ive Argos
* To do (P): start Maribel contract Femke
* Plan meeting: Wendy, An, Peter @ schaarbeek ?
* December in Nantes ?
* Confirm definitive planning L2L !
===== Nucleus 2010-08-02 =====
* Question Sophie citymined: space available 20 november
* Office during August holiday
* VJ13 - Pierre M & editorial 'team'
* Free Arts License? (an)
* Labtolab mail: question of catherine (search nucleus for: mcd & PiNG)
* Flyer, Dortmundt ...
* Planning 2nd half year
* nucleuses
* deadlines
* projects agenda
* Tina house news
* Maribel future halftime
===== Nucleus 2010-07-05 =====
* hacked digitales ?
* How to deal with material leaving the building ? List / contract?
* Report Grundtvig (Wendy)
* Programme AA workshop next week
* To do in august:
* Bring back wifi video capture device to Nadine (Wendy?)
* Tool for writing collaborative notes: http://etherpad.org/
* Check to do lists previous meetings
===== Nucleus 2010-06-21 =====
* Question Angela: Dortmundt art fair 23 - 25 august / ISEA
* Kunstenwerkplaats [[ see description ]]
* Nantes residency
* Send materials, books to Medialab Prado and ...?
* Household: Printer, summer-cleaning, update publications and media mentions on spip
* work on website: write up general info
* date education meet alv
* house
* Lila: Argentina
* Femke: PM
* Plein Open Air
* Atelier Mommen
===== Flying nucleus Madrid 2010-06-12 =====
- Batard festival asks for coop, see inbox nucleus: 'een vraag van Bâtard'
===== nucleus 2010-05-10 =====
* Help copying invoices tax control
* House maintenance
* News cleaner ?
* Newsletter evaluation + Dates june
===== nucleus 2010-04-26 =====
* Review/use tools for budgets project
* salaries 2010
* situation around meeting 1 june
* Spip: press articles
* LGM-task-schedule: http://ospublish.constantvzw.org/wiki/doku.php?id=lgm2010:roster
* Newsletter May
* Programme Madrid + tickets + lodging
__* Domestic maintainance:__
* Re-installing machines (bureau right, videomachine)
* Cleaning: garden, bureau
* Weblog Monstre offline ?
* Pierre + Clémentine off Nucleus list
* Sandberg students 6 may, who ?
* Question for text about lab2lab initiative by Baltan labs
deadline end may.
* Object Score notation on site ?
* PleinOpen Carto: Nicolas
====== 2009 ======
===== nucleus 2009-20-07 =====
* prepare workshop 25/26
* house backyard
* preview: verlag
* evaluation Electric Summer
* info mails
* contracten
* summer cleaning day ?
====== To do's ======
===== nucleus 2010-21-06 =====
* E-culture fair: Wendy goes + one; Peter e-mails + confirms.
* Kunstenwerkplaats description: if there is no consensus in next kwplaats meeting, another Constant joins Wendy for the September meeting.
* Meeting on Nantes: An, Nicolas, Wendy, Peter – July 14 July 16:00
* An + Femke send Constant materials to Madrid / Nantes
* Printer broken. Wendy Calls Dictee center + Peter takes printer there if useful
* 30 July: Clean up (Nicolas probably there)
* 6th july namiddag: work on website
* Femke calls Yves: education meet 8 of 9 september
* Peter calls Tina: end house October 1 2010
* An is checking what is possible for funding Argentina trip december 2010
* FS Sends notes of meeting VJ13 to PM; looking for a match
* Meeting Schaerbeek Lasagna Meet: 13 July
===== nucleus 2009-05-11 =====
* calls Denis about Irisnet
* asks Seda for Nova
* Femke: belt Ludivine over de stickers
* Femke + wendy will work on the curtain
* before end may Femke will make sure that the template for newsletter and invoices etc. wll be ready
* Femke will review the template
* Femke and Wendy will make a few tests before 25 may
* Femke and Wendy will make a few tests before 25 may
* continue toi work on the pre-Xmedk workshop
* Follow up Speed Cartography proposal
* Contract zennestraat met Jan tekenen
* Make cash forms
* Find out how P could work with half time contract
* call Cimatics
===== nucleus 2009-04-27 =====
* will make an appointment with Kirsten Saenen pianofabriek
* sleutels bijmaken: Voordeur, Opberghok
* voordeur-bel
* contacts Philippe B. ok for copymachine
* Check with Pauline: she proposed to share her cleaner payed with diensten-cheques
* ask for proposal Fabrice on paper and will ask Denis about his opinion
* W, P, A meeting about audio: am radio's
* Apply for sociale Maribel
* P will make a new agreement with Seda until january 1, 2010 ..
* ask D to fix yellow cable
* Re-visit newsletter template (shorter headers)
* Setting up a retro-planning VJ10 book
* check amazone for possibility to support Samedies
* Femke will contact Nadine Plateaux about Amazone and Board of directors Constant
* F makes a list of questions for journee du lbre
* Femke will call virginie to see if she is interetsed / knows people for production of VJ12
* Femke will communicate with Michel about the Digital Textiles idea
* Stay in touch with Severine