====== Vj12 Book's notes ======
[[vj12 | VJ12 Brainstorm]] | [[Vj12 Press Release | VJ12 Press Release]] | [[Vj12Expo | VJ12 Expo, video programme, readinglist]] | [[VJ12BookNotes | Vj12 Book's notes]] | [[VJ12LecturesNotes | Vj12 Lectures notes]]
===== Texts from lectures (gathering) =====
==== Soap box annual report (Ivan Monroy Lopez) ====
Last year I made this zine with Groff, Perl and NotCourier-sans. Groff is the software used for some of the GNU/Linux documentation, among other (...)
* status: received & mixed with FLOSS manuals conversation = ok
==== From source code to text source: textual practices and standards at the heart of the Debian community (Christophe Lazaro) ====
The intervention is based on an ethnographic analysis of the Debian community, which devotes itself to the development of free software (...)
* status: received & translated in EN = OK
==== Smatch (Dominique Roodthooft) ====
During KFDA 09 Dominique Roodthooft launched the first edition of Smatch, a series of ‘composed evenings’ that re-appropriate the stage as a (...)
* status: received, translated in EN & mixed with An's text = ok; photo's and video's : http://www.lecorridor.be/spectacles.php
==== FLOSS manuals conversation (Adam Hyde, Claudia Borges) ====
Live video conversation discussing the way manuals and practice interact. Could the context of Free, Libre and Open Source Software lead to (...)
In an ods file (the most used kind of file in QA) , with the fields we
use to report and describe test cases and bugs, I have added
conversations around the main activities of the testers I am working
with. On the first sheet you have the day in 10 software deployments
( because deployments are a ticking clock of a normal day), 10
software bugs with some comments on quality, error, failure. And then
a sheet on the working process/ the 'people'.
* status: received & mixed with Ivan's text = ok
==== Opening Data ====
Kirrily Robert in conversation with Nicolas Malevé A live video interview on the way data can be opened up to a heterogenous group of users, and (...)
* status: NO
==== From Grey Eminence to Grey Immanence: The Ambiguities of Evil Media (Andrew Goffey, Matthew Fuller) ====
Our interventions offer an exploration of the grey zones created by grey media, where the jubilant exercise of power takes the form of (...)
* status: text //Systemic Ambiguity// received & mixed with Michael Moss's text = ok
==== To talk of many things: Of shoes—and ships—and sealing-wax—Of cabbages—and kings (Michael Moss) ====
* status: received & mixed with Goffey & Fuller's text = ok
==== Paratext, digital contexts (Jurgen Pieters) ====
By looking at a research project that Jurgen Pieters is supervising at the University of Gent, this lecture will evaluate the impact that new (...)
* status: received & translated in EN = ok
==== Ticket Poetry ====
* status: NO
==== GooDiff (Alexandre Delaunoy) ====
Internet is a versatile platform for providing services for human being. Those services are used by people but not only designed for their own (...)
* status: received
==== Amidst the Golden Age of Privacy (Seda Gürses) ====
Never has privacy been so productive, so profitable, and so entertaining. Other than it being a genuine concern for many individuals and (...)
* status: received
===== Documentation from workshops and performances (gathering) =====
==== Kaleidoscope (An Mertens) ====
Kaleidoscope is a transdisciplinairy collaborative installation-performance around the usage of surveillance camera’s and software that documents (...)
* status: received & mixed with Dominique Roodthooft's text = ok
==== Populated fonts (Ivan Monroy Lopez, Ludivine Loiseau) ====
Development and extension of a pictures/glyph translation process. Around dingbats and into the em, Ivan et Ludi will present an attempt (crack) (...)
* status: OSP : http://ospublish.constantvzw.org/
==== Epicpedia (Annemieke Van Der Hoek) ====
EpicPedia is a web application that presents itself as a theatre script to explain the development of a Wikipedia article. The script ‘translates’ (...)
* status: received
==== Grey Literature Radio ====
Human Calculation Machine (rehearsal + documentation)An exercise in Human Computation Participants will perform parts in a human-only powered computer, capable of addition and counting. Core (...)
* status: NO
==== Dingbat Liberation Fest (Ivan Monroy Lopez, Ludivine Loiseau) ====
Dingbat kitchen! The fonts OSP* started from and the dingbats that they sample come from a something that could perhaps be called a Commons. (...)
* status: OSP: http://ospublish.constantvzw.org/
==== Visualising data (Anne Laure Buisson, Ludivine Loiseau) ====
Starting from the experience of building the GenderArtNet project ( http://www.genderartnet.eu ), Anne Laure Buisson, Ludivine Loiseau and (...)
* status: received
==== E-traces ====
The E-traces project approaches Web 2.0 in the context of the progressive phasing-in of a security firm. It is articulated around 3 axes : A (...)
* status: No
==== GooDiff Hackaton (Alexandre Dulaunoy) ====
GooDiff is a service for automated tracking of semantic changes in web service policies. Come and discover GooDiff and other versioning software (...)
* status: OK
===== Additional material =====
* Code written for VJ12: Hackathon, Kaleidoscope, Yoogle, Anne-Laure's demo, Ivan's groff + font related, Michael's AA ...: website VJ12
* Photos: ok (http://gallery.constantvzw.org/main.php)
* Videos: ok (http://video.constantvzw.org/vj12)
* OpenOffice spreadsheets Clementine and Pierre: ok
* Contracts: ok (map VJ12)
* Items in cabinet: ok (website VJ12, asked Peter Zinnestraat's map, not found!)
* list of films in wiki: ok (http://data.constantvzw.org/future/doku.php?id=vj12expo)
* flight tickets (documents for refunding): ok (map VJ12)
* Logs (server, logs captured by wireshark): NO
* NLTK produced text for title of event: ask Nicolas
===== Extra commissioned material =====
* text from Severine about legal status of grey literature: NO
* interpretation/datamining of Goo-Diff dataset (Seda asks colleague, Nicolas asks Anne-Laure): NO
* text about Kaleidoscope to Kirsty Stansfield?: already done by An: NO
* discussion of Matthew Fuller+ Andrew Geoffrey + Dominique Roodhoofdt with Isabelle Stengers: NO
===== Additional free/open texts =====
* http://affordance.typepad.com/mon_weblog/2010/05/le-like-tuera-le-lien.html
* http://project.arnolfini.org.uk/projects/2008/antisocial/notes.php
===== Inspirational texts and/or websites =====
* Mallarmé's Un coup de dés n'abolira jamais le hasard: http://www.arpla.fr/canal2/figureblog/?page_id=8434
* Mallarmé's Un coup de dés n'abolira jamais le hasard: http://fr.wikisource.org/wiki/Un_coup_de_d%C3%A9s_jamais_n%E2%80%99abolira_le_hasard/%28%C3%A9dition_monospaced%29
* Benjamin's The arcades project: http://www.thelemming.com/lemming/dissertation-web/home/arcades.html
* Benjamin's The arcades project: http://www.othervoices.org/gpeaker/Passagenwerk.php
* Dante's Vita Nuova: http://it.wikisource.org/wiki/Rime_%28Dante%29/XIV_-_Donne_ch%27avete_intelletto_d%27amore
* Dante's Vita Nuova (EN): http://books.google.com/books?id=GxkbmW8eQmsC&pg=PA18&dq=%22Ladies+that+have+intelligence+in+love%22+Dante%27s+vita+nuova&hl=en&ei=WXPaTfvcFo-dOsX9gOIP&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=3&ved=0CDIQ6AEwAg#v=onepage&q&f=false
* Sven Birkerts: http://www.theatlantic.com/past/docs/unbound/aandc/gutenbrg/wschirev.htm
* Patrick Corillon: http://www.corillon.org/menuPrincipal.html
* Umberto Eco's The role of the reader: http://studio.berkeley.edu/coursework/moses/courses/texts/auteur-genre/EcoComm.pdf
* Roland Barthes The Death of the Author: http://www.deathoftheauthor.com/
* Pierre Levy's Hypertexte, instrument et métaphore de la communication: http://www.persee.fr/web/revues/home/prescript/article/reso_0751-7971_1991_num_9_46_1831
===== Calendar =====
* 8 September 4.00 pm = meeting Dona, Nicolas, Stéphanie & Alex (1st experiment)
* 22 September = meeting Dona, Stéphanie & Alex = to be confirmed!
* 28 September 13.00 pm = meeting Dona, Nicolas, Stéphanie & Alex (2nd experiment)
* 6 October = meeting Dona, Nicolas, Stéphanie & Alex (3rd experiment)
* 12 October = meeting Dona, Nicolas, Stéphanie & Alex (revision sketches experiments)
* 20 October = meeting Dona & Nicolas
* 17 November = meeting Dona, Nicolas, Stéphanie & Alex (proposition design)
* 17 - 21 November = writing introduction & preparing the programs
* 21 November = publication ready
* 21 - 30 November = publication revision
* 1 December = publication on-line