7 January: Peter
21 January: Femke
4 February: Nicolas
18 February: An
4 March: Wendy
18 March: Peter
08 April: Femke
22 April: Nicolas
6 May: Wendy
27 May: An
10 June: Peter
24 June: Femke
8 July: Wendy
22 July: An
Preparations: Femke
* Nucleus list: Sint Niklaas website
* fridge broken variable
* supervlieg vraag
From the pad:
Newsletter December
- SPION meeting on 7 November; Wendy?
- BKO/Kunstendecreet op dinsdag 6 november van 14.00u tot 16.30u bij het VTI (vergaderzaal op de derde verdieping, Sainctelettesquare 19, 1000 Brussel). —> mee na te denken over de evaluatie van het Kunstendecreet en mogelijke 'Brusselse' suggesties
- Invitation by Lilia —> Dear Guy, Elke, Trudo, Wendy, Loes, Bart and Luea,
It's a project to come together and see how the future of the workspaces can be molded by hybrid artistic practices (and not the othe away around). Coming from the idea that every practice is endiosyncratic and asks for a singular organistaion and approach we would like to develop together an idea for a future workspace that addresses these needs. I include here a first draft of a plan that incorporates workshops (3 days) and 4 meetings during the year with a conclusion meeting in December. The kick off workshop will be with the participation of Maya Van Leemput, a future researcher specialized in culture and the arts. Maya is also a mediator / facilitator for constructive group discussions. We would like to invite you to be part of the core group of 'Affecting the future' and participate in the workshop and the following meetings and to cary on a working group around this issues. Bains Connective organizes the workshop and sets a time frame but the next steps and meetings are ready to be co-organizing, co-formating and imagined. If you are interested we would like to include your participation in the following dossier for the VGC and would ask you to write a little paragraph explaining your interest. Hope to to here from you, Best, Lilia
Affecting the future / a workshop gathering for art laboratories Is a workshop/ gathering for artistic workspaces to acknowledge, reformulate and challenge perspectives on experimental artistic practice. What kind of organization for what kind of art? The aim of these encounters is to set up, develop and share attitudes, modes of functioning and desires within these organizations. The participants are all dealing with mutable formats of working that change in relation to the artistic projects they are working on. This close connection with artists and their working methods is very important for the structures, but the flexibility necessary to support alternative practices doesn't seem to be valued by the institutional protocol. (INFRA)STRUCTURE How can we sustain a transformable infrastructure that doesn't dictate the outcome of the artistic practices but on the other hand empowers the practice itself? (This is obviously not about anarchy but perhaps about formats that can combine organic and organized processes. Or?) How can we set up difference (s) so we don't all end up in mediocracy? ART & RESEARCH PRACTICE - How can we empower multidisciplinary, trans-disciplinary, post disciplinary practices? - How can we empower practices of research, experimental practices that feed the field from underneath? - How can we empower practices that are not aiming for success in terms of the sellable? or even not for success because in failure there is a lot to aim for? ECONOMY – PRIVATE vs PUBLIC How can we resist an economy of efficiency for a economy of shared knowledge? What do we do with the issue of public money? What kind of values we want support? These workshop wants to set up ground for the future, to understand and specify the qualities, characteristics, conditions of experimental workspaces. To learn about each others, confront each others ideas and ideals. To be political in the sense of being acting on what we find important in relation to the world we are living in, to increase the potentiality of life. Workshop: in the week of the 7th of January Meetings: End of Feb, end of April, end June, end of October and end of December Conclusion in a public discussion
Lilia Mestre Artistic Coordination Rue des Allies 54 Bondgenotenstaat 1190 Forest /Vorst tel: 02 534 48 55 fax: 02 539 47 04
- Bluestockings in Pianofabriek (May, June, Half July, half August)
- Info list: Dante
- Info list: Invitation to take part in debates at EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT 12th november International Conference: GLOBAL NET SOCIETY: INNOVATIVE MINDSET & CREATIVE ECOSYSTEMS
- report House meeting friday 26
- Timelab thinkgroup ESF application → girls and technology
* Reprise: Kriekelaar complaints
* 8 workshops in garden per year Nadine.
* Wendy statuut etc.
* FYE only (conference Seda)
* RAAK application
* Donatella
* Mode
* Hackerspace
* Graphical Shell Launch
* Tunis
* internship (Nicolas)
* netneutrality
* Reports: LGRU, Archiving meeting,
Femke prepares
Wendy prepares
* Reports:
TO DO review our funded by list - this e-mail is a reminder of some sorts
→ Eu is not at the bottom of the newsletter e-mail nor is the commune of Saint-Gilles etc etc
Donatella prepares
* Reports:
* Colloque université aix-marseille / académie des beaux arts de bruxelles 2013 (deadline 15 octobre 2012) 'document, fiction et droit' > see mail of Peter of 23/07/12: interesting for somebody in Constant?
* Variable Open day + Barbecue anniversary:
* Residency Variable:
- Sandra Emonet and Myriam Pruvot have been staying in Variable from 30 July to 10 Augustus working on a project of audio-recording; they got a kind of 'projectsubsidie' in France and for that they would like to have a sort of virtual budget to quantify the residency in Variable (accomodation, per diem, even the working sessions with Wendy and Denis). An and me propose them to send us a proposition that we would look at and see if it is ok for us to sign it. Did we ever done something like that before? Would it be maybe interesting for the future to have a sort of residency convention?
- Spanish person
* Budget 2012:
* Budget 2013:
Donatella full time contract can't probably be kept. Which are the options? Here's Donatella propositions:
1) to keep a full time contract paid by : 2.5 days = Maribel, 1.5 days = EU/LGRU (until 31/05/13), 1 day = ONEM/parental leave; I will work then 4/5. after the 31st of May we should find another project to pay the 1.5 day originally covered by the EU = Langue Schaerbeekoise book? Other?
2) to keep a full time time contract paid by : 2.5 days = Maribel; 2.5 days = ONEM/parental leave; I will work then half-time. in this case somebody else should take over the end of the LGRU project; somebody of Constant could be still engaged half time (if there is a need for that, see Maribel);
NB. It is very important to check options 1 and 2 should with Maribel to see if they satisfy their criteria.
3) to go back to a half time contract. The 3rd option is the most heavy financially for me, because it would mean to drop to a half salary at the same time than I get two a baby's and an apartment to buy. In this case I can't receive no other indemnities for the ONEM (no chômage, etc.). Moreover, while last year I could have had still hope to find another half time job, next year will be very difficult with two such small baby's.
* Define date meeting Constant 2013 / reminder 10/9: 2014-2016
* Constant Website
* Bureau
The floor of the front room has cracks; how come? need to be investigated? talk with Tina?
* Newsletter September 2012 Deadline: 27-8 (15-8 for Nicolas, 22-8 for P, F) !!!!!!!!!!!!!! Send out: 30-8
* Agenda September
* Varia
Nicolas prepares
* Reminder for 10 September meeting
Peter prepares
Agenda August/September:
* 8 august, 17:00 : Jasper and CC would like to work in office, who will host ?
* Donatella pregnancy update
Next absences from the office:
6-19 August = not paid holidays
22 August = check with doctor (in the office only in the afternoon)
27 august = check with doctor (working at home)
From 27 August on? working 3 days at home and 2 in the office? Not working at all?
Official dates of maternity leave: 22 September - 2 February (to be confirmed according to the development of the pregnancy and the real birth date of the baby's)
(proposition for 2013: working 4/5 > parental leave)
* Collective open moment Variable September ? (PD circle wants to join) (check Nucleus list. mail name: calendar 2012 )
* have a look at calender end of year: planning.
* alarm: should we do something or we leave it like this (Denis thinks it is better to have one, Pauline is not sure…)
* FS would like to participate in (Helsinki 17-20 sept, 4 days)
* Langue Schaerbeekoise: paid online publication? ISBN-number?
* State of affairs Website ?
- projects where no money has been spent yet: ADA, Etat des lieux, GenderArtNet, E-traces, Samedies.
- subsidies not received yet:
- money for V/J in 2013
- propose Seda as a member of Constant
- open call Variable?
- alarm problem: it rings at night, the original company doesn't exist any more, what can we do?
Donatella's preference is that Peter take over general administration and Femke take over LGRU, without looking for a replacement 'cause too long and complicated to explain to new person (unless Femke feels that LGRU is too much for her alone).
Donatella checked: everybody has been paid, behalf Wendy (see mail Donatella sent to Wendy).
Nuclues Agenda:
Met de steunpunten zijn we begonnen aan een nieuwe ronde analyses op de gegevens van de afrekeningen die de administratie van de Vlaamse Gemeenschap ons ter beschikking stelt. Het vervolg op de 'ins & outs'-veldanalyse die vorig jaar op 4 april gepresenteerd werd. Dit jaar willen we graag inzoemen op de 'activiteiten' die de organisaties gesubsidieerd binnen het kunstendecreet hebben geregistreerd.
Om goed zicht te kunnen krijgen op de manier waarop 'activiteiten' geregistreerd worden en welke realiteiten ze bevatten, doen we graag een kleine steekproef bij een aantal organisaties. En zo kom ik bij jou terecht.
Zouden we jou mogen vragen om ons jullie meest recente excel-tabel met de geregistreerde activiteiten toe te sturen, zodat we kunnen zien hoe een werkplaats haar activiteiten weergeeft? Graag zou ik dan later ook even telefoneren om te horen welke euvels je tegenkwam bij het invullen, en welke gegevens mogelijk verkeerd geïnterpreteerd kunnen worden door buitenstaanders.
Agenda June:
Reports/evaluations: who was where doing what ?
To buy:
Renew budget and workplan Residencies:
Binnenkort, op 12 mei, is er een groot protest wereldwijd voor echte democratie en verandering. Dit georganiseerd vanuit de Occupy en Indignados beweging. Onderstaande tekst is een oproep aan de culturele sector om deze beweging/protestdag te steunen. De vraag is vrijblijvend en eenvoudig: ziet u het zitten om onderstaande tekst te ondertekenen? Indien ja, kan je het aan mij laten weten. Dan geef ik het door aan de groep communicatie van de Indignados. Morgenavond zou deze oproep dan openbaar/publiekelijk verspreid worden.
Alvast bedankt voor uw interesse!
Groetjes, Michiel Vandevelde
Coming 2 weeks
Reports past two weeks
Photo de l'equipe de Constant pour Hugo / IDfortes / pianofabriek brochure envoyer à:
He is doing a master at the VUB and he is available from mid April for 1 to 3 months. He is in Italy from 1 to 17 april. He speaks English. The title of his thesis is “Tactics of new media art and strategies of late capitalism”. In the first part: analysis of the political-economic framework (late capitalism, creative industries, cultural policies) within which to place the new media art practices and identify the role of the artist. FOSS hacktivism, digital culture and free labor are the main critical points on which articulate the speech at this stage, to then dwell implications on reciprocal cross-platform, business model,creative industries and new media art. Case study is provided through interviews with artists, curators and specialists in the field of digital cultures active in Brussels and Belgium. (Google translation from Italian ) Open House?(just a thought - open house is looking for stagaires too)LGRU? Constant communication? Open Sounds Lab (he also interested in music)? Other?
je suis Yannick, je t'ai téléphoné hier après-midi pour prendre contact avec Constant. Je fais parti d'un collectif qui se nomme Brigitte <>, nous trouvons votre projet très intéressant et nous aimerions vous rencontrer. Dis-moi quand? nous sommes situé au 409 rue du progrès à Schaerbeek tu peux me joindre au 0489 60 12 82
05 March: Donatella
19 March : Wendy 02 April : Femke 16 April : An 30 April : Peter 14 May : Donatella 28 May : Wendy 11 June : Femke 25 June : An 09 July : Peter
Ondertussen heb ik wel vernomen dat jullie werken aan 'Active Archives'. Is er een whitepaper over dit project en wat dit project aan archieffunctionaliteit biedt (XML containers, data conversies, versioning, metadata schema's…). We zijn zelf namelijk altijd nieuwsgierig naar archieve en welke technologie hiervoor gebruikt wordt. En ik moet bekennen dat ik van dit pakket nog niet gehoord had. Enige informatie is dus uiterst welkom.
Traject treinkaart 1 Week 30.00 € for one week (unlimited amount of rides for one week) → need picture Halftijdse treinkaart (5 heen-en terug ritten = 5 allez-retour) 3.45 €/rit, aankoop 34.50 € → need picture
* How to decide about books, documentation, courses
* Update website: Denis proposes agenda-plugin for blogs (An)
* Agenda:
* Prod list (D.) :
* Constant FLOSS Art Gallait update? (house meeting date, identity with eric, etc .. ?)
* E-Mails to discuss:
* Future of All2all? Any alternatives to monthly Constant server-crashes ? * Prepare discussion with members
* Update agenda
* Collaboration VTI?
* Stuk Artefact?
* Planning dossier
* Newsletter September