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Saturday 28/11/2009

Femke's introduction

laboratory check if product on the black market are not dangerous
testing rubber, petrol coming from colonies, later testing things
that could be sold
danger of radioactive material

operates by association

emma marriage - license

Monroy Lopez, Ivan

man pages → groff
nroff and troff → formatting
man man
sourcecode man man

man command = groff -man -Tascii command.1 | less

tutorial, manual, reference, self-notes
code is relative
sociality of code, manual ⇔ hospitality, lab rat in the workplace

Lazaro, Christophe

Roodthooft, Dominique

Smatch scene theatrale: poser probleme et le commenter
se compose des idees de ceux qui participent a la piece.
smash (ecrabouiller) match (aller ensemble)
s'arreter pour penser joyeusement - impuissance par rapport a l'etat des choses? catastrophisme ambiant
assistante sociale → attentes? auto-socio-construction - mettre en place les choses pour qu'elles se realisent.
choses decidees avant q'elles ne se passent - ce q je veux faire et ce q veut l'institution
PMS confirme ce q l'enseignant demande
analyse institutionnelle, psy institutionnelle > changer l'institution change l'homme
ne pas donner le resultat des tests aux enseignants, ne pas faire en sorte que le dossier suive
l'eleve d'une ecole a l'autre
histoire du petit prince enfants doivent dessiner troupeau de moutons, un enfant dessine un mouton: doit redoubler sa maternelle.
Liege culture de l'ennemi, prendre le pouvoir. au centre rien ne bouge, l'interessant est dans la peripherie
on peut resister autrement - des qu'on a le pouvoir on est impuissant
poetique - contre-pied- ne pas etre dans la denonciation
la peur est partout - amene la creativite
parler du vieux - pas d nostalgie - home, rencontre forcee - parler du fait qu'ils sont vivants, ont des projets
gens qui n'ont rien a voir ensemble peuvent s'organiser et defendre un propos commun, construit un cirque et faisaient des numeros
la noyade d'une sirene dans ses larmes
carte BAM oost-duitsland (west Germany pour cantons redimes) → contrepied
wallonie = desert → peuplee avec des cochons; contrainte reprendre des mots qui commencent par les lettres de SMATCH
vinciane despret - etudie les gens qui s'interessent aux animaux - attentes - mettre les moutons ds des conditions
qui ne servent pas a en faire de la nourriture
syntaxe - permet d'etre dans une pensee du monde - agency: donner du pouvoir a d'autres modes d'etre que l'etre humain
construction du Smatch: animaux et desert
on ne peut pas mettre un mur pour eviter que la dune ne recouvre un village, connaitre le sens des vents et l'orienter
pour qu'elle passe a cote du village

Hyde, Adam - Borges, Claudia

Floss Manuals industry takes 6 months - manuals in 2 days
book sprint
what are the roles, who sets the goal? - anybody can contribute it but there is a facilitator
can I learn sthg by writing the manual? Ctrl quality? entrance exam? project no entrance level
'porting' manuals - floss manuals are not part of the softwares they describe?
making manuals for people who are not in the project already - manuals user-friendly
write manual at the level, with the mindset
put manuals and software in two worlds?
cookbook approach - small snippets
difference of tone
write the manual first and then write the software
booki wikisystem

Goffey, Andrew - Fuller, Matthew

theory of media below the level of representation
evil text - strategies - technicity of persuasion - of subjectivity
Florence <> Brussels
stratagems based on extreme formalisation of human behaviour and thoughts
humanitarianism of free software - evil is the primary purpose - occupy the space of evil
grey criticism - grey litterature
user error
systemic ambiguity CIA → textual detail - almost everything can be considered ambiguous
ambiguity is an indicator of deception
the other is always a bearer of hidden message - if not decoded, it must be forced to not be ambiguous
world of today, not only text but also databases
litterary criticism not only between texts
ambiguity happens between media systems
formal languages contain no evil, but the don't exist in a void, and therefore must be translated into natural languages
systems interacting → mutual misunderstanding
ambiguous sign <> systemic ambiguity
dataveillance forensic can avoid sometimes ambiguity
immanence grise - decyphering of signs - generate uncertainty - open space for undeterminacy
jouer les generations les unes contre les autres ds le lieu de travail
reversability of relation of power
user era → shaping relatins in the world of work
good unambiguous software - competence of the user - users persist in not thiniking like machines
users are products of ambiguity - not just an error - the script someone follows in a call center
- performing conversation following algorithm - caller adapts to the script - have a nice day - supervisor can
stop listening at what they are saying
failure of internalize new forms of systems/production/productivity
persistant user error → lack of belief in the company mission statement
OO throws exception
user errors decline because users are more used to the syntax
take responsibility for a system means take resp. for its failure
blaming ambiguity on user error can only last for so long
user error → people have not internalized expectations of machine work → positive
in the absence of uncertainty users is being used, code has become law
recursion cultural pleasure of programmer relaunching itself
loop - derivable pattern of activity - behaviour placed into other recursions
control requires recursion - who guards the guardians? eye-tracking device of guards watching CCTV feeds
cyclical deference of control
social network
target finding and avoidance
stratagems recurse upon themselves
no general taxonomy of the leak → dissemination of all narratives
neglegted proper containment
leak strategy - it was a draft
mobilizes user response
beta version is a decoy
possibility of the leak can be designed into a system
staged exclusivity - paparazzi
unlawfully obtained data: tapping, keylogger

Sun 29/11/2009

Morning intro

One theme of the festival, grey literature, is an invitation to discover, play and worry about the numerous documents, commentaries and
traces which organise electronic communication in the background.
Yesterday, during the talks, we discussed, with Ivan Monroy Lopez, Claudia Borges, Adam Hyde and his impersonator, various aspects of computer manuals, how they can be made collaboratively, how they offer hospitality in a world of code contrasting somehow with the harshness of the workplace, but also how they prescribe use or contain surprisingly a poetic potential. Another key theme of the presentations was the relationship between guidelines, reference documents and the organisation of communities. We have heard from Christophe Lazaro how the Debian community was dealing with an enormous flow of text (code, licenses, guidelines, etc). And how these disparate elements were connected through a social contract. And we discussed strategies and stratagems. How to use games, elements of surprises and situations to do away with the fear, learn from the animals or refuse to internalize institutional expectations, avoid the trap of power, - with Dominique Roodthooft. How to learn to love user errors and ambiguity with Andrew Goffey and Matthew Fuller. But also to expand our understanding of 'media' to include strategies and stratagems operating below the representation: scripted situations like call centers, or the leaking of information in the media (intentional or not).

This morning, we will move to the questions identity, authenticity, trust, data and documents. But to take us there, Michael Moss, research professor in archive studies in the Humanities Advanced Technology and Information Institute, Glasgow (anong so many things), will also tell us about shoes, cabbages and sealing wax.

Our inspiration to start thinking about Grey literature came for one part from the French literary critic, Gerard Genette and his book Seuils in wich he develops the idea of the paratext
“More than a boundary or a sealed border, the paratext is, rather, a threshold.”
“a zone between text and off-text, a zone not only of transition but also of transaction: a privileged place of pragmatics and a strategy, of an influence on the public, an influence that … is at the service of a better reception for the text and a more pertinent reading of it”.
“a fringe of the printed text which in reality controls one's whole reading of the text”

Jürgen Pieters, professor in General Literature Science at the University of Gent, will look with us at the case study of the Ooghen-troost text by Dutch poet Constantijn Huygens (1647). In his talk, he will specifically address the theories of the American literary scholar Jerome McGann and will relate his work to the notion of paratext by Gerard Genette.

Anne James Chaton is sound poet. He has directed several magazines and six books, published by Al Dante. With the duo Kristoff K. Roll he co-directs the festival of sound art “Sonorités”, which he founded in Montpellier in 2005. He has given numerous lectures in France and abroad. He has worked with dutch rock band The Ex, released an album (The Journalist) with guitarist Andy Moor and collaborated on the album Unitxt by musician Alva Noto.

Michael Moss

stats - information rather than the math
migration of info from analog to digital
the Walrus and the carpenter Lewis Carroll Charles Da…son
nonsense destabilize comfortable world of reference
nonsense needs to have reference to the authentic
authenticity → diplmatique 17e s
authencity is a retrospective activity
authentication depends on absences; but absence can have been always been there; original document may miss signature
such quantities of sand - granularity - stand alone objects
financial systems - no hierarchies of information - balance sheet made of quantities of sand
Pacioli - divine proportions → dble entry book keeping (refer to aggregations of other books)
grain of sand = digital object → the bit stream has identity of reference even if its identity changes
every time it is opened or closed. Danger → financial crisis → data that underpin the system → input and output but nothing
about what happens in between - understand what happens between input and output - abandon what happens in the middle
eating oysters - sorting the authentic
information object - experiential encounter with digital object
Internet imaginaire - relation of digital to analog
Pomo dominates information science kinaesthetic encounter with dig. object
Gainsborough Boy in Blue: surprise it is small Bodily encounter - context dependent
grains of sand lack of context
Phising scam exploit lack of context
users modify their analog behaviour in the digital
suspension of disbelief - info in the digital needs less scrutiny
and more and more and more
triangulation look at several srcs to cross-reference
modification in the digital - labeling technology as new? - ordering of information is a technology
Mc Luhan is wrong content is more important than media
partnership between tech and people interested in the info object
curator can't control the technology
reflection and reflexivity - David Leevy Strolling Forward
Susan Greenfield
authenticity and identity must be confrmed by more than one token
family history and new forms of genealogy with genetics
sealing wax japan still a sealing culture - everybody seals elements, luggages, documents - doesn't disapear with technology
Mc Donalds employs psychologists understand ways info is accessed in different contexts
China receives info densely, Europe light, arabic countries info is heavily dependent of social hierarchy
binding - diplomatique - kings require high level of binding - social conventions
pepper and vinegar can mean only one thing for an oyster
people will not add metadata unless if there is added value in doing it
better invest in text describing dig object rather than dublin core (too expensive)
trust like authenticity is retrospective
the lack of trust comes from the trust in the regime not the officiality of the source
1970's last financial crisis, more responsibility? require jurisprudence
before his streaming eyes

Jurgen Pieters

Seuils pensee theorique moins adequat pour textes digitaux
pensee → stabilite forte d'un texte
→ McGann
fonctionnement du texte historique
chaque livre a son propre avenir
habent sua fata libelli
Benjamin - ses livres - ts ses livres l'accompagnent ds ses demenagements
livres matiere pour penser - collectionneur de livre a un lien physqiue avec ses livres
ses livres offrent domicile, une maison
demenagement problematique - choix dechirant - suicide Port Bou, Catalogne
1933 banni de l'Allemagne. ts les immigrants allemands internes
necessite visa autorisation de passer une nuit a Port Bou, n'avait plus de livre avec lui.
centaine de livres pour enfants
redefinit son reve d'une bibliotheque - Passages - bibliotheque virtuelle fait d'extraits
livre cache dans la bibliotheque nationale
Adorno a fait la publication - Passages bibliotheque emballee
forme donnee au travail, enorme serie de fragments - quel est le texte centrale? - citations 800 livres
et fragments de Benjamin (commentaires ou developpement de premisse methodologique) - montage
lecteur est createur - 36 dossiers qui contiennent une lettre de l'alphabet - liens entre citatins internes au dossier
Robin Michals
George P.Landow Hypertext 3.0
Pour chaque texte, il y a tjrs une version alternative presente derriere le texte
mort du livre? passagenwerk n'aurait pas eu un aspect different - forme est deja adequate por le format electronique
benjamin en plus rapide, plus actuel?
se defaire de la question: livre < > ordinateur fertilisation croisee - ordinateur nous enfonce ds le livre
ordinateur revele le livre
livre individuel. lecteur se detache de tout par le livre et se rapproche de lui-meme, dvlpt du moi individuel
lecteurs ere electroniq manque d'individualite
langue doit devenir economique: apporter le plus au plus grand nombre de lecteurs
language is a source ozone layer
McGann s'oppose a cette idee.
hypertext prophet la page limite les possibilites, limite la vision du lecteur
McGann position intermediaire
que sont les textes? ns savons trop a propos des textes, mais nous devons reflechir differemment
a page of printed text or scripted text should thus be understood asa certain kind of graphic interface
reconceptualiser relation lecteur livre
livre n'est pas une forme de textualite naturelle
prejuge qu'un texte est un element stable, produit linguistique harmonieux
new criticism - dogme - remise en question par Derrida, Foucault
texte imprime est un ecran qui donne acces a ce qui est derriere -a cote - devant - derriere - variantes de ce texte a l'interieur de ce meme texte.
ne pas chercher le texte stable ultime, ajouter autre potentialite de signification
book 2 basic functions: data storage and constructing simulations
a=a si et seulement si a!=a
identite non-identique
chaque fragment cache d'autres fragments, mais aussi une autre version de lui-meme.
ds la pratiq, pb curateur de texte et technologie: pb de dependance
Huygens 1647 - le reconfort pour l'oeil - ecrit pour une amie qui a un probleme de cataracte
ils sont aveugles mais ils ne savent pas qu'ils sont aveugles
l'oeil de ton esprit peutmieux travailler - a cote du poeme principal, 600 citations
but de l'edition electroniq - pas p our mieux presenter mais preciser sur base des liens q ily a des relations claires entre fragments, liaisons horizontales
huygens → montaigne → ovide → seneque la liaison peut se faire en amplifiant les citations
ds la marge textes paiens

Anne-James Chaton

Afternoon intro

to introduce this afternoon, I would like to use the active archive software installed for Verbindingen-Jonctions, developed by Michael Murtaugh. This software is used to organise and make accessible the videos selected for the festival. I propose you to look together at the short film “The Google Optout Village”.

We had already the chance to have Alexandre Dulaunoy for a lecture in the seventh edition of VJ. Today, Alexandre comes to discuss with us the questions surrounding Goodiff. Before giving the mike to Alexandre, I would like to show an image ofsomething that stroke me several years ago and that explains my interest in the work of Alexandre. Years ago a small and sympathetic company called Ludicorp released a web platform where users could upload images, Flickr. At the time, Flickr was an important vector for spreading the use of open licenses for creative content like the Creative Commons. One could read in their terms of services:
A few years after, when Yahoo bought flickr one can find instead:

Are we in the golden age of privacy? our digital every day life is full of privacy by-products: privacy policies, privacy settings, privacy language, privacy reports, privacy rankings, privacy films, privacy tools, privacy legislation, privacy conferences, privacy festivals ,…
Want to know more? Let's follow Seda Gurses. Seda Gürses is doing her PhD on privacy, requirements engineering and social networks at the K.U. Leuven. She is also an active member of de- center kuenstlerherde, a media initiative based in Kreuzberg, Berlin. And she is the person whose permanent questioning is helping us to redefine constantly our preconceived ideas about data, privacy and property.

Alexandre Dulaunoy

gray goo → masse compliquee qui va prendre la vie sur terre avec une seule sorte de vie et eliminer toute autre existence sur terre.
tracking semantic changes in legal documents (flickr mettre des photos qui font perdre des droits pour les photos)
release des datasets tout le monde peut voir ce qui se passe dedans, pas d'objectif particulier
theodore Kaczynski Les optimistes n'existent meme pas
goodiff origin: honeytoken, mettre un honeytoken pour voir si Google verifie les clics sur les liens.
google spider les liens des emails
voir soi-meme ds les terms of service - pas de versions, pas d'archives
diff difference in files
fonctionnement du systeme:
- fetch daily
- verif changes
- notifier modifs
Google rachete double-click et change sa web policy
Google desktop → enregistre system
blogger associer infos qd on est logge ↔ Google oct. 2007
pixel tags apple we may use this information to reduce or eliminate messages
Google Talk → SMS phone number , operateur, content of the message, date and time of the transaction.
terms of service are updated before the service enters in operation
documents legaux changent tt le temps
dates ds document ne correspondent pas aux changements du document public
pb: - urls changent
- documents ne sont pas presents sur tous les serveurs qui distribuent la charge
- pollution du contenu par pub, bugs, html mal formes, session ids
Europoker → out! → you are a robot
Lawyer2text work with corpus
timeline representation of docs changes → rachat d'1 compagnie et changement des termes of services
collaborative evaulation of changeset
Ivan Illich, la reconstruction conviviale → autonomie de l'outil
jacques ellul, Andre Gorz
interface track? → feed rss
git? → rss aussi mais pas les memes.
afficher les terms of services via plugin firefox

Seda Gurses

alternative to data protection
concentration on the individual, privacy as a social good → rethink copyleft for data protection
side products of privacy
privacy laws have to comply to data protection laws → databases of the 70's
data subject, data controllers (what purpose they collect data), data processors
privacy as control, control your data - access and subject rights
what terms of services are promising?
anonymous data is not protected →
standards need to apply and then you can exchange data
the data you give are yours but the ones we capture are not protected
third parties recursion
organise community to react against changes in service policy
we made mistake - write the privacy policy yourself - linquist case: photographer sued because making photo of people in a church
every user is a datacontroller - photo of soemeone with leg broken → sensitive health information
desire to solve everything legally - internalization of legal
make individual responsible for data protection
common data - everybody can claim privacy about these
technically protect → hide your data → anonymity systems
unlink the identity of persons from the traces they leave behind
indexical identification (Seda) - pointer (she is a facebook user) - descriptive identification
anonymiser cut connexion between indexical identification and descriptive identification
important in state surveillance
but doesn't prevent classification
we have a lot of data bodies out there - how should we be related to them?
experiment: asked friends objects that identify them but anonymized
text of thesis
picture of happy location
picture of oneself hidden behind hairs but background identifying
peinture signee
photo decoupee
ancien dessin d'enfant
photos de crps n'ont pas pu etre upladeee sur facebook
camouflage picture
life is embedded in systems, not about anonymity but negociating spaces
aggregation of data - who fits some norms - from there starts discrimination
modern state goes with surveillance - we don't know - no feedback loop
no possible to stop categorization -
seeing my own data doesn't mean anything to me - this is who you are
human resources company → discrimination based on facebook
privacy itself is the wrong term - focus on the use not on the data itself
define illigetimate use
gaydar project - vicinity in soc network and we can say if you are gay or not
silencing movement