Project: Constant_V

SPLINT card game

For the next five years of its program (2023-2027), Constant is asking: What could/should Speculative, Libre and Intersectional Technologies (SPLINT) do?

To start finding the language and open up our thinking around these questions a deck of cards, the SPLINT cards, were created by Constant and allies. This first version of the card game was tried out with different groups with varying goals, future fears/hopes, urgencies and temporalities in public and private settings.

SPLINT is a thinking/imagining/dreaming/oracle game, that is set to explore the potential of technology through artistic practice and vice versa, at the crosspoint between intersectional feminism and open source software. The goal is to investigate the discriminations and structural problems inherent in technology, while nurturing the imaginative capacity of techno-realities of an open, experimental and equitable digital art field.

This game was inspired by The Oracle for Transfeminist Technologies, which incited Constant to make-up its own version of the game.

You can download the game on our online library Constant Calibre to print it at home.

@ Constant

Rue du Fortstraat 5, 1060 Saint-Gilles | Sint-Gillis