Project: Constant_V

workshop KaraoPo - Singing in the Debris of High Tech

Karaopo is a strategy for diverting our favorite, sometimes problematic songs. It makes us think of songs we can afford to sing at the top of our lungs, at parties, with friends, in the street, at demonstrations. Singing in the Debris of High Tech is a collective workshop in which we choose a song together and then twist its lyrics into a techno-feminist detournement.

We’ll then be able to sing our new hit on Sunday 14 January in the occasion of the closing of the installation "Reflecting in the Debris of High Tech". The #karaopo, KARAOkés POlitiques, are led by Amal Alpha, and for this workshop she’s supported by her comrade Lambda.

An example from a previous KaraoPo session? ’Oops i burnt it again!’:


Amal Alpha uses karaoke as a medium to emancipate and liberate the voice. She organizes Queeraokés where everyone can shine in front of a passionate audience. She is also one of the instigators of the Sharkaraoké, a float that travels around Geneva demonstrations broadcasting #karaopo videos.

Lambda is a member of the Du love révolutionnaire sur vous radio team, where she writes the Super Poke Radio Ball Z Mortal Queer Fighter column. She sings in artificial duets and coordinates a feminist choir in Geneva. She also tells stories as an artist and game designer.

The workshop is open to up to 10 participants, priority will be given to gender non-conforming creatures, trans, dyke, bi, inter, non-binaries and women.

Inscribe before the 7th of January 2024 by sending an email to!

@ Constant

Rue du Fortstraat 5, 1060 Saint-Gilles | Sint-Gillis