Publication ·

Books with an Attitude

Books with an Attitude are published by Constant, designed with Free and Open Source software and published under open content licenses. This is why they deserve the hallmark ’Book with an Attitude’. Books with an Attitude showcases the publishing activities of Constant, looking into and reflecting upon the specific ways of creation, production and distribution that emerge in the meeting between F/LOSS designers, authors and ’books’.

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DiVersions v2

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2019 publications

The website of Books with an Attitude has been updated with the 2019 publications of Constant and friends. Feel free to discover the catalogues of Constant_V, Diversions and Data Workers; and the (…)

Books with an attitude @ FLAT

At the FLAT Art Book Fair of Torino, Femke will present Books With an Attitude. According to Constant, books deserve the hallmark "with an Attitude" when they are made with Free, Libre and Open (…)

Networks of Ones Own episode 1: Etherbox

Networks Of One’s Own is a periodic para-nodal publication that is itself collectively written in a network. Each of the episodes is thought of as the ’release’ of a software stack, contextualised (…)

Cyberfeminisme / Cyberféminisme

"This is a book of translations - because translation permits dissemination - of certain selected texts which seem ti us to pose important questions, and which enable us to conceptualise our (…)

The Catalogue!

Download the catalogue & order your favourite Books with an attitude:

TYPE.CODE: Books with an attitude

During one week Constant will show her books in the framework of the exhibition ’TYPE.CODE’ in La Maison du Livre in Saint-GIlles. These books are published by Constant, made with 100% Free and (…)


"I think that conversations are the best, biggest thing that free software has to offer its user"