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Editing work

  1. Do we need an 'About this site'? (F + N: about background, peachpit, spip, license, …) (needs translations / check)
  2. Translate keywords (A)
  3. Fix template for rubriques without project description (A + F add descriptions ;-))
  4. Syndication page: check link naar R + R

(Solved) Commented bugs

  1. Think of a way to navigate, choose, select when all projects are displayed in sidebar (when there are too many) (N) now, there is a subnavigation of 20 items for the following templates: cn_top_rubrique, cn_rubrique,cn_article and cn_mot. For cn_mot, the keywords are ordered alphabetically now (even when different upper/lower cases).
  2. Internal sitemap –> have a look, see whether we use it and how: → now under Edition in the top bar of the ecrire folder
  3. Newsletter: somewhere there needs to be a link to this. From SPIP admin? (N; F = icons) Idem, but at the moment there is no easy way to navigate from one newsletter to the next.
  4. Hide folders from sidebar nav when in rubrique=1: participants, vj10, … (N) Done for cn_rubrique and cn_top_rubrique. Does it show up elsewhere?


  1. Fix syndication: split per language? Syndic a rubrique? (N) included in header: syndication by language + in rubrique a second link to feed by section. clickable icons also included in article and rubriques. To continue with agenda, keywords and syndicated blogs.


  1. Width of nav bar on other pages needs to be tighter than wen you are in sommaire? (F)
  2. Put feed icons with links (F)
  3. Check print CSS (F) (print css = cn_style.css)
  4. Print pages (An): for the VG-dossier I tried to print pages of the Constant-websites & blogs, but they give blue letters and a lot of white (vs f.ex Michael's Is this very difficult to adjust?

New (unsolved) bugs and issues

  1. Keywords (cn_mot) : make link to article rather than to rubrique.
  2. Agenda (cn_agenda) : when navigating through individual dates, highlighted date on mini-calendar is today's date. there should be a way to highlight the date displayed at the center of the
  1. Re-integrate old search engine

Image script

  1. Display time in relation to images selected for background. Somehow make legible what happens.
website.txt · Last modified: 2017/02/09 13:23 by